drivesec is an innovative cybersecurity company founded in 2017 with the aim of developing security solutions for the IoT market.

The drivesec methodology is rooted in the identification of risks and vulnerabilities in connected environments, followed by offering solutions with a high security standard.

drivesec designs cyber solutions aimed at increasing resilience to attacks on IoT systems. Our focus is on developing methodologies and products for the testing and validation of the security requirements for connected systems.
Contact us

We Secure
Your Things

Our Purpose

To sustain the development of a secure, connected, and digital world, supporting our Customers to develop and assess secure IoT products.

In an increasingly connected world, the need for a safe environment is increasing as well.
drivesec aims to help create such an environment by supporting its Customers in the development of secure solutions for IoT and Automotive products.

Leadership Team

Faranda Cordella
Founder & CEO

Earned his master’s degree in Computer Science at Turin University and is a senior executive with over 25 years’ experience in the design and development of automotive electronics, connected car services, and vehicle cybersecurity. Throughout his career he has worked in different roles at leading automotive companies either as an OEM or as a Tier1 supplier. In recent years he has served as VP and Head of Research and Development of infotainment for a large European OEM. He was also appointed Head of Vehicle Cybersecurity for leading OEM in EMEA, managing the introduction of digital protection countermeasures in connected cars.



She is a Senior Manager with consistent experience in Sales & Marketing for the automotive and high technologies sectors.
She entered Drivesec executive team as Chief Revenue Officer after having reached demonstrated record of success in planning and executing growth-based business strategies.
She measured herself in the construction of business units based on different models, sizes and markets, leveraging on the creation of value inside the company and relationships of trust with the customers.



Got his master’s degree in telematics and telecommunication engineering at Politecnico of Turin. He is a Senior Manager with more than 15 years of automotive experience in design and development of automotive electronics, telematics and exterior lighting components. In his carrier he has worked for different Tier1 suppliers covering different roles from technical development leading to program management in international environment. As supplier, he had the opportunity to cooperate with several OEMs becoming familiar with different Research & Development organizations, procedures and mindset consolidating his automotive culture.

Cybersecurity Senior Advisor

Cataldo Basile is a senior researcher at the Politecnico di Torino and a member of the Torino Security Group of the Department of Automation and Computer Science, where he coordinates policy-based security management and software security research activities. He is responsible for the Student Team pwnthem0le specializing in offensive security, participates in international CTF competitions, and organizes the m0lecon conference.
His research has two main objectives: to automate the analysis and mitigation of computer network risks (corporate, industrial, automotive) and to model software threats and attacks to develop techniques for protection and attestation.

Automotive Safety & Security Advisor

Long-term experience in the automotive field, in innovation projects related to the development of advanced driver assistance systems, preventive safety functions, and autonomous driving. Deep knowledge of vehicle safety regulatory framework (UN-ECE) and NCAP test and assessment protocols.






TÜV Italia






Automotive Security Research Group

Cluster Trasporti


eit Health

Energy Center

Italian Tech Alliance




Our offices

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