July 9th, 2024
04.30PM (CEST)
Teams Platform

Luca Ferrua,
CTO at Drivesec
How to Build a Test Strategy for Security Assessment
What happens after the definition and completion of the TARA? How to complete the cybersecurity assessment and progress with validation.
These are the questions Drivesec’s webinar on ‘How to build a test strategy for security assessment’ aims to answer. This webinar is structured to provide a tutorial for defining a test strategy to support OEMs and Tier1s after the TARA process concretely. Starting with the Cybersecurity requirements and specifications, you will have to build a test plan and execute it through scripts. Scripts are powerful elements because they allow you to perform assessment and penetration tests, creating a knowledge base that, step by step, will grow until you can manage your testing strategy yourself. Drivesec will present comprehensive support to manage the automation testing and build your own KB.
Let’s register and join the webinar!
- Cybersecurity Manager
- Validation Manager
- Cybersecurity Engineer
Validation Engineer