Our Guidelines for UN R155 testing are now available! Download HERE
The world of cybersecurity is constantly evolving, both in terms of regulations and attacks, so it is becoming increasingly critical that manufacturers of IoT devices (including vehicles) have reliable and robust automated tools to verify the security posture of their products. The platform that we are developing and commercialising with the help of our partners, LIFTT, LIFTT EuroInvest and Levante Capital, comprehensively addresses this need.
Submit the form to be contacted and attend the Automotive TARA Training course, based on ISO/SAE 21434 standard and in compliance with UNECE Regulation R155. This course equips automotive professionals with essential knowledge of Threat Assessment and Risk Analysis (TARA) methodologies. Participants will learn the fundamentals of TARA, guided by ISO/SAE 21434 standards, and how to apply it to new automotive products.
Drivesec is launching a cyber tester community, intending to share information material, tutorials, insight and SW tools regarding automotive and IOT product security posture assessment. Community is dedicated to test and validation engineers, regardless of their level of knowledge on cybersecurity
WESETH® is a testing automation platform, expressly designed for
cybersecurity verification of cyber-physical systems.
WESETH® is designed to support the remote and automated
validation of cybersecurity requirements and control on Benches,
HIL or Proto Vehicles. -
Cybersecurity is a new topic for the automotive industry. Drivesec helps OEMs and Tier 1 companies to be compliant with UNECE R155 and ISO/SAE 21434, with a complete set of templates for required work products. Find the Drivesec full templates package for ISO/SAE 21434 compliance.
Access-o allows secure remote access to any Company TCP/IP-based resources using an on-demand Point-to-Point link.
Access-o utilizes a security framework that enforces mandatory strong authentication for all users and roles. Remote, on-demand access guarantees convenient connectivity via secure channels using state-of-the-art cryptography for confidentiality, integrity, and data authentication.